When comparing the differences between LED displays and LCD displays, we can usually analyze from multiple angles, such as brightness, power consumption, viewing angle, refresh rate, contrast, appearance, scope of use, service life, and color.
Brightness: LED displays are usually brighter than LCD displays. The individual elements of LEDs react quickly, can remain clearly visible under strong light, have bright colors, and adapt to different environments.
Power consumption: LED displays consume much less power than LCD displays, with a ratio of about 10:1, which gives LEDs a clear advantage in energy saving.
Viewing angle: LED displays offer a wider viewing angle of up to 160°, while LCD displays have a larger viewing angle limit, and colors may change after deviation.
Refresh rate: LED displays have a higher refresh rate, usually 1920/3840/7680, which makes them perform better in video processing.
Contrast: LED displays usually have a higher contrast than LCD displays, providing a more vivid and clear picture
Appearance: LED displays can be thinner because they are based on light-emitting diodes, while LCD displays are relatively thick
Scope of use: LED displays have a wider range of uses. They can not only display text, numbers, images and animations, but also play a variety of video signals and support multi-screen network broadcasting
Service life: LED displays have a longer service life, generally supporting about 100,000 hours, while LCD displays have a relatively shorter service life.
Color: LED screens have more realistic and vivid colors, a wider color gamut, and provide a richer visual experience.
In terms of indoor installation options, LED displays may be a more suitable choice if energy saving, high contrast, wide viewing angle and longer service life are considered. However, if the budget is limited or the thickness and energy consumption of the display are not high, LCD displays are also a cost-effective choice.
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